I just gave my last kiss to Landy as my little 3 year old... Of course that deserves a blog, right???!?!! :)
Landyn Rose is our wildfire child. She is the absolute sweetest girl, who can never give enough love, but girl's got some fire in her. She is the middle child, in every strech of the imagination. Ornery as all get out but you can help but continuously laughing at her. She says the funniest things and she will crack you up with her looks. You can always see it in her eyes, she always has something going though her mind... most of the time it is probably a plot or trying to figure out why something is happening or how something works. She amazes me in every way. You haven't played the game 20 questions until you have a conversation with this little lady! She can't get enough information, which is good! I want her to ask all the questions she wants, how else will she learn. My heart is so torn tonight cause my little Landy isn't so little anymore. I feel as if time is literally flying! I don't think you can fully understand until you have children of your own... You get married and time speeds up but when you have kids, some days can't get over quick enough :) BUT the weeks, months and years seem like they are on fast forward. I remember 4 years ago tonight I was packing my bag cause I knew tomorrow was the day. I put my 13 month old down that night thinking, "Baby, you will never know life without your sister..." I packed my bows and cute outfits and a pasi of course, cause we all know the hospital ones are soooo ugly. YES! that mattered to me, DON'T judge me! LOL! I talked to Jerome P. that night and kissed my husband goodnight, knowing that my life was about to be forever changed. Little did I know how much. My delivery should have given me full insight as to how Landy would impacted our lives. We got to the hospital @ 7:30... about 8:40 I was ready for my epidural, I know, big baby, but I allow myself to cry though 1 contraction and then I ask for it, I wanted to enjoy every moment and why not, if I can?? So the anesthesiologist is still in the room and the nurse said, "GET A DR IN HERE NOW!!" Doc comes in and is LIVID that they called him. I mean they just got the ball rolling at 8... He came in and and had a few choice words for the nurse for calling him... He didn't even take time to get prepared. You could have cut the tension with a knife! The anesthesiologist just sat down in the chair next to me, I know he just wanted to stay for the show cause the Dr. was so mad. He said, "Since I am here, let's do a practice push... "OOOOOPP! There's she is" Soo I started LAUGHING... I laughed my child out. I know, I know GRAPHIC, if you are a boy, just don't read if male, just how I roll :) Went back a year later and the nurse's said, "Aren't you the lady who laughed her baby out last time?" YEP! That is me! LOVE giving birth... Anyways back on point! Landyn is just like that! Man, she can make you soooooooo mad and make you CRACK up in the same breath. I love her more than all the numbers and all the stars and all the sand. I can't imagine a single moment without her in our life. She loves to cook and she protects her sisters. She shows so much love to the girls and us. We are more proud of her than anything in the world. She has such a desire and SUCH a strong will, she admits when she is wrong and faces life with no fear. She teaches and reminds me everyday how to have fun and see all the positive that is around us. She reminds me to thank God for blessing us every night in our prayers and she encourages me that we can do anything that we set our minds to. She is our sunshine! Happy 4th Birthday Princess Landyn Rose! Mommy and Daddy love you more than you could possibly ever understand, only God loves you more than we do and I like to believe that we are close seconds. :) Love you baby!