So today we were sitting at the Donut Shop, just Liv and me. I take her there every Monday after we drop Leila, Landyn and Daddy off at school and work for their days. We were just talking about whatever, girl can talk... I have no idea where she gets that from. Anyway, she looked across the table and as serious as she could be asked, "What would happen if we got naked in the Donut Shop?" It made me laugh out loud and later while we were driving home, I am NOT proud of this one! I need to watch my mouth... she said, "MOVE FREAKING LADY!" ... I got a phone call the other day from a good friend of mine who was watching Liv and she said Liviana came to her close to tears saying that, her daughter, Addy had thrown her pants in the toilet. She asked Addy and Addy, of course, said, "NO, I didn't!" Liviana persisted that she had and was sooo upset about it so Jayme went to check and Addy's pants were NOT in the toilet. Right when she looked in the toilet, Liv ran by the bathroom laughing and yell, "IT WORKED, I TRICKED HER!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! All of these things that happened just in the last few days made me think, these girls say the sweetest, funniest, not always the best, most out there, most common sense things ever. And then days later I forget, I know they said or did something I wanted to remember but I didn't take the time to stop and write it down or type it up. I am going to start TODAY. I don't wanna forget anymore. When I am an old grandma I wanna be able too look back at this blog and stay entertained and laughing for hours. I love my girls and life happens too fast to not stop and take note of the things that your kids have done. So I will be blogging daily, perhaps a couple times a day. They will probably be quite short just quotes of the day that I want to share or something that happend that I want to remember.