Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why Body by Vi instead of Advocare??!

As much as I have loved answering this question individually I thought perHAPS I would just throw it out there to everyone! A lot of people were aware that a couple of years ago Adrian and I became distributers of Advocare. My brother had just started selling it and we went to a party of his and left with our product ordered! I continuously get asked, "Didn't you use to sell Advocare?? Why did you switch??" Here is the long and short of my answer...

We were hardcore Advocare! 1. It worked for us and 2. My brother was selling it and we wanted to support him.

We did our first 24day Challenge and I don't remember exact numbers for Adrian but I had lost 17lbs. Obviously, that is exciting for anyone!

My problem started on Day 25... 

Even with my distributer discount, which was 30%, even if we had gotten to 40% we literally could NOT afford to continue! So for 2 years we kinda sat on our hands, not wanting to do anything else, we wanted our ADVOCARE and we wanted it NOW! :)) So instead we quickly gained our weight back, because, well... it is fun to eat! If we are honest...

About a year ago we started hearing about this
Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge
I was very quick to state that we weren't interested!

Obviously that has changed. Here are a few reasons why... I was seeing MEGA results! MAJOR RESULTS! My little town was saturated with Body by Vi, by a little someone I may or may not call my Bestie. This was all before I knew her, but everywhere I went and saw people looking great, I would ask and was continuously told Body by Vi.

So, I started to do my research! I was told to Google Body By Vi vs. Advocare. If you are like me you may be all about results but these are fun facts too!

Something else that got me pretty hyped up was ALL the amazing stories I was hearing about health issues being helped by BBV. Lupus, diabetes, autism, etc. Not that this product can heal or anything like that but just the amazing nutrition that was drastically changing people's circumstances! 

There are a few other reasons, the FREE BMW, amazing trips or perhaps my AMAZING results! In my first 90 Day Challenge, I lost 
42lbs, tons of inches and 3 pant sizes.

But the NUMBER 1 REASON we are HARDCORE, solid ROCK believers in 
EVERYONE, customer or promoter, can get their kit for FREE! 
You can't see me typing but I typed FREE, slowly and pressed each key with a vengeance. HAHA!

Like I told you, Adrian and I couldn't afford Advocare. FREE spoke to my little heart something fierce! :)) AND it is incredibly easy to obtain. Free product is making an amazing difference in both our personal lives and as a business. I get a crazy rush each time I see a new customer getting their product for free. We, personally, are getting $500 worth of product for free each and every month. And if you know anything about BBV, that is A LOT of product! There is an excitement when I get to share that with others. FREE, FREE, FREE! Can you say that enough? I can't,
On the business side... I get paid 5 times a month! It is my favorite to go to my mailbox AT LEAST once a week expecting a check! The comp plan between the 2 companies is INCOMPARABLE and UNMATCHED. We are a trendy company who is keeping up with Social Media and offer amazing software for their promoters. The creators of "The Biggest Loser" have joined forces with our company. It is the FASTEST growing business in the industry! I LOVE ALL THINGS BODY BY VI! And my favorite part? ------>

That is why we would Choose Body By Vi ANYDAY over Advocare. Nothing against Advocare but ALL of this for Body by Vi. Was it even really a choice??! <---- If I can do this, you can too!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


First of all I am doing this from my iPad so there isn't going to be any fancy stuff going on, because well, I don't know how on here and I don't have time :). I am also a bit embarrassed for some of the things I am about to tell about myself but find comfort in knowing it is all about to change! Today, I was going about my usual morning routine which includes me immediately grabbing my phone and finding out what happened with my Facebook friends while I slept and then it continues with me throughout the am. My phone goes where I go! If I am doing laundry it is on the washer, if I am on the trampoline it is sitting on the rim, if I notice it isn't near me, I freakout! In fact, while I was in the bubble bath last night after my run, I was on my phone, Facebook, pinterest, playing a game... I was so tired and wanted to go to bed but I really wanted to keep playing. I even get to the point where I refresh my Facebook repeatedly waiting for someone, anyone to update their status... A new pin to show up. Anything! 

TV and computer are just as bad! I was just doing what I usually do today and my friend Mandy had posted this blog and of course I had to read it.

Here is the link to the blog, you should definitely read it... After mine of course ;) while I read it I started to cry. It. Is. Me! It was calling me out! I am MISSING EVERYTHING! We live in such an amazing time of technology and I am so thankful for all the conveniences that our generation has, however, the cost to our families is great. While I was reading certain instances came to mind, for example:
*I know I have said this many times, "Excuse me. Don't you see this (pointing at my phone on my ear). Mommy is on an important call. Please wait til Mommy is done."- Making my babies feel like the person on the other end is more important than they are.

*Answering my phone when my child is mid-sentence.

*I hate this one, but happens more than I like, "MOMMY! Watch... watch... are you watching?" Because it has happened too many times that I have missed moments or things that are important to them.

*Instead of focusing when I have delicate time with the girls I am checking my website or Paypal or whatever else.

*Instead of playing dress-up or having a picnic I am too busy watching TV, a TV I can pause or record.
She list a lot more in her blog and I know most if NOT ALL have occurred in our home.

Now you must be thinking, what a horrid mother! Of course I am picking out moments of our lives. My girls are fully aware that I love them and we do have lots of special moments but when I was reading this blog today I realized how much better I could be doing!

On Sunday morning Pastor Tony was preaching on Nehemiah. While he was working on finishing building the wall there were times he was asked to come down for different reasons and his response was, "I am doing a great work and can't come down." This I have decided to implement into my life. My work right now is my family, my babies. Yes, I do have other works but repeatedly they come before my girls and that is where I draw the line. Boundaries are about to be set because, 


As you all are fully aware I have an online business, which makes what I am about to do even more interesting! But I refuse to use that as an excuse for my commitment to my family and I honestly, wholeheartedly believe that God will honor my commitment and make it work!

Now for the fun stuff! Here are the life changing commitments that are about to take place in our house and in my heart.

*Adrian decided he was going to join the party and we are cancelling our cable, we waste so much time watching mindless movements when we could be creating memories with our girls. Not to mention, they don't need to be watching TV ;)

*The end of this month my phone will no longer have data or texting! This is HUGE for me but as much as I think I NEED these things... I DON'T.

*I will be implementing "HOURS," that I am available on my phone. I will not be available every time I get a call.

*Same is going to happen for Facebook and emails.

We talked about getting rid of my phone completely but with the girls not always being with me or us being without Adrian, in the car and such Adrian decided against that. Plus my number is the number that the girl's know... So I have decided that it will just be silent and put away when I have my family with me.

I am so excited about this! I am scared too... they changes are going to be so drastic for us but, I am doing a great work and can't come down! It is going to be worth every missed call and I am absolutely not going to die if I don't see your status update right when you post it. Am I giving up phone and computer completely? NOPE! But while my girls are home and awake I will be focused on the most important people in my life. I am going to have to start using a real camera cause I won't be able to upload a quick shot. Things are going to be so different! 

I hope this challenges other moms. Maybe not to take such drastic steps but to be aware of what we are doing and where our focus is. I don't want to miss another moment. And I thank GOD for opening my eyes to how things have been. I have been feeling this way for awhile but today when Mandy posted this post, I was brought to a breaking point and it is over. The girls will know that they are more important than my phone, computer or a stupid TV show.