Saturday, November 2, 2013

With Love From Kansas...

Well, I am not going to India in 1 month from today... sad face. I am going in JUNE now! I am super excited about the adjustment because I am getting to see the hearts of my girls through this unforeseen change.

When we originally talked to the girls about me going, we tried to explain why I was going. We did the whole mommy gets to help bring Jesus to kids, who haven't always had a safe place to live, haven't laid their heads on a pillow, haven't had a new pair of shoes. Kids who MAY get one meal a day. We talked to them about how Jesus asked all of us to go...

Then we talked about water.

I thank God everyday for the blessings that we have. We live in a country where we complain because we have the iPhone 4 instead of the 5. I live in a house where I can't close Liviana's closet because of all the shoes she owns, (LOADS of hand-me-downs, but still), I can't give my kids everything they want but they have an OVERLOAD of everything I deemed a need. Perhaps, it is just me, perhaps not, but maybe my idea of needs vs. wants is a tad skewed. I asked Leila to go get me an ice water and when she came back I asked the other girls how long they think she took. Of course, Landyn had some funny, perhaps a little sarcastic response but obviously it took seconds. We talked about the fact that almost 100 million people in India don't have access to clean, safe, drinkable water. We also talked about the sad results that come from dirty water.

"Can we send them water?"
My sweet, little Liviana asked if we could send them water, of course her sister's giggled at the idea of packing water in a box and shipping it over. I originally told them no :( We didn't have time before I left to make that work. BUT THEN MY TRIP WAS ALTERED and how could I not say YES?!!

We are building a well! We have named our campaign "With Love From Kansas." My prayer is that God would take the BIGGER than life idea from a 8, 7, and 5 year old and show them how mighty He has created them to be.

How can you help?
1. You can help by giving to our project, you can find it here. All donations are tax deductible. 
2. You can help by getting the word out! Tell your friends and family, your co-workers- collect change after lunch, put a donations box in the breakroom- see if they would want to join the girls' efforts.
3. You can join the girls in one of their fundraisers, PLEASE ask me about them.
4. You can start your own well project.
5. You can PRAY! I take water for granite EVERYDAY. You don't realize how much water you use until you don't have it anymore. You can pray that we reach our goal and are able to provide fresh water for a community for up to 30 years!
6. Most importantly, PRAY! Pray for the men, women and children who don't have clean water to drink TODAY, pray for the mamas who take hours upon hours to collect water TODAY, taking time away from working or being with their families. Pray for the children who can't attend school THIS DAY because they are finding water. Pray for all the people who are fighting diseases, due to this massive problem.

We have the goal of $3000 to hit by December 31st. Is that bigger than 3 kids who get up to $3 a week for doing well on their spelling tests. Thank goodness we serve a HUGE God who knows their hearts. And THANK you for loving others with us. Providing clean water for up to 30 years is an amazing thing.

With Love From, 
The Ramirez Clan

Monday, April 15, 2013

Are You Up For A Challenge? I AM!

I don't know about you but sometimes my heart screams,


I know I have been called to be making a difference in the world around me and sometimes I feel stuck not knowing which steps I am suppose to take next... Where I am at now sometimes I feel like I haven't taken any steps at all. So my real question is, 

Where am I suppose to BEGIN? 

This weekend the Lord has challenged me and made it exceedingly clear what my first step for this week needs to be. I don't think it is something I am suppose to keep to myself but to share and encourage other wives, moms... all the single ladies ("Put Your Hands Up!") ALL of us to take part in this week. 

MAYBE, it is just me but if I was transparent, which I normally am, I could tell you I had a defining moment in my life when I felt the Lord's call on my life. An exciting life I knew I was in for but a bump here and a wrong turn there put me in a place I never thought I would find myself. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my life, and God doesn't have a Plan B but by Grace and Mercy more Plan A's. But I am NOT content living this inward life. Sitting right here at the ripe ol' age of 28, living a life full of busYness and finding myself longing to see the Lord use me in the injustice I see all around me but wondering what I can do about it. Laying awake in bed at night, my heart yearning to make an impact but the next morning falling into the same routine... I am tired of saying, 

"OK, God! I am here! If you would just write it in the sky I will do whatever you want me to do."

I have come to the conclusion this week that has me sitting on my hands doing NOTHING because He hasn't given me a phone call with a game plan. 

Did you know helping the poor and needy is touched on 358 times in the Bible? 358 times God has asked me AND you to simply help those around us. This reality struck me this weekend,


It has been there the whole time! Here we, errr, I sit begging God to show me how to get started and I have come to a conclusion that He has showed me. OR tried to show me... 358 times.

So, this brings me to my challenge.

Before the weekend has come I am going to take one prepared meal, along with enough groceries and recipes for 2 additional meals to a family in my community who I know would consider it a blessing in their home.

Is that huge? Is it going to impact 32,000 people? Am I performing some sort of miracle? NO! But I know it will be huge to that family, I know it will impact not just their lives but my family as well. AND it will be a MIRACLE to that single mama.

I want you to come on this journey with me. I want to share stories of how God uses both you and me to impact our small circle of friends, the town we live in, or however far God takes you. I think if we all joined hands and forces we will see Miracles happen. That is my desire. I desire for God to use me. We have been called to action but get so caught up in the mundane and schedules we have ourselves tied into, the years just pass us by and I am tired of wondering. 

Please if you feel lead to step out with me, look around your community is there a family that would be blessed by a nice hot meal and some groceries? In taking this first step I know God will show me His next and I am believe that for my family and yours. Please let me know if you are going to join me this week and take on this challenge. I CAN'T wait to hear the stories of how God uses all of us to bless others and what an impact it has on your life as well.