Saturday, December 3, 2011
The Rainy Rose Tea Room
Since the weekends are the most popular time to host a party we do recommend that you consider contacting us about a month in advance, however that is not saying that we would not be able to figure out a closer date if needed! I will also be allowing weeknight parties, on selected nights and weekdays in the summer.
Each party will be styled based on the age of the birthday girl!
There will be an initial deposit required at the time of booking. Once the date has been selected, the party can only be postponed. As a mother, I understand things don't always go as planned. I will work with you to find a new date that will work for everyone's schedule! The remaining of the balance will be due on the day of the party!
Mini Lady Tea: (recommended for 3-4yrs)
Min # of guest: 6 Max # of guest: 12
Price: $110 (+$12 for each additional guest past 6)
Party Includes: Decorated Tea Time Table, 1.5 hours of entertainment, Served Tea (or Lemonade) and snack, Dressup Time, Fashion Show, Group Photo for the Birthday Girl, Storytime and MUSIC!
First Class Tea: (recommened for 5-8yrs)
Min # of guest: 8 Max # of guest: 18
Price $130 (+$12 for each additional guest past 8)
Party Includes: All from Mini Tea, in addition: 2 hours of entertainment, Beauty Session, and a Craft
Sophisticated Tea: (recommened for 5-8yrs)
Min # of guest: 8 Max # of guest: 18
Price $150 ( +$12 for each additional guest past 8)
Party Includes: All from First Class Tea, in addition: Party Invitations and Group Photo for all guests
Spa Party!: (recommened for 6-12yrs)
Min # of guest: 8 Max # of guest: 18
Price $150 ( +$12 for each additional guest past 8)
Party Includes: Decorated Themed Table, 2 hours of entertainment, Party Invitations, Drinks and Snack, Face Mask (including cucumbers:), Nail Polish, Choice of Craft, Group Photo for each guest, and MUSIC!
Easy Breezy Tea: (recommended for all ages)
Min # of guest: 5 Max: 15
Price: $15 per guest
Party Includes: 1 hour of entertainment, decorated table, served Tea (or Lemonade) and snack, Dress Up Time and MUSIC!
Holiday Party!: ( recommened for all ages)
Only available certain times of the year
Min # of guest: 6 Max # of guest: 18
Price: $100 ( +$10 for each additional guest past 6)
Party Includes: 1 hour of entertainment, decorated table, served drink, food craft, holiday realated activity and MUSIC!
Space Rental: We are opening our space for baby/bridal showers, girls night out, meetings, holiday parties or any other activites that you may come up with! Starting at $45
I so look forward to making your little lady's birthday one she will never forget! Thanks for taking a look and I can't wait to hear from you!
I am also making big plans to offer over the summer! Keep checking back for updates!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Christmas Craft Countdown!

Then I had found tons of odd little things that I thought maybe, just maybe, the master would approve and she DID!

Thursday, September 29, 2011
You know MY name!
If you want to continue to think that I am perfect and never have a weak moment in my life then DO NOT continue cause you might eat just a little bit of truth... There is your warning :):)
I am TIRED! You have have those moments, days, weeks, months where you are just tired? (I am not talking about physically, however I find that to be a common side effect.) I have been tired, emotionally and spiritually drained, these last few days or weeks. I just feel like life and the busYness I involve myself in have me wrapped and I can't breathe... that kind of tired.
Now I am not one who normally expresses when I am feeling defeated, however, I feel like this is something I am suppose to share cause I believe I am not the only momma out there who has been there. We... errr... I have gotten so good at putting on my mask every morning that I don't even realize that I am doing it anymore. Until God takes a simple phrase, one that seems over used at times and brings me to a humble and broken place.
I have been SCREAMING, "Where are you?!? Don't you see me down here? Have you forgotten about me? Or do you even care?? I am trying my best... just so you're aware!!"
A song came on... the words go, "He knows my name, He knows my every thought, He sees each tear that falls and He hears me when I call..."
I felt like He was screaming, "Britanie! I, ME, Creator of all the Universe, the Heavens and the Earth, I care about your every move. I am watching, I see you in the morning when you open your eyes. I know how many breaths you took today. You have been on My mind since the moment I made you. Your worries and your joys, you matter to me. Oh and Britanie... I know YOUR name."
I feel special when someone remembers my name after the first time we have met. Don't you? Maybe it is just me. Now if you don't remember my name after we meet, it doesn't bother me, AT ALL, so don't be scared to ask me again. :):) but when someone thought I was important enough to remember who I was after I have met them, is a pretty cool feeling, right? And here was God saying, "I haven't forgotten. In fact, I have known your name before your parents choose it. Actually, I knew your name since the beginning of time... just sayin'" That very thought is so mind blowing. And God would totally say, "just sayin'..." ;)
So my prayer, for myself but also for you is this:
Jesus, I love you so much. And I thank You for who You are. I thank You for never leaving or forgetting about me. I ask that as I head into today, that I would take it on with the most incredible knowledge that I don't have to walk by myself. Help me keep in mind that You care, You care about the big life altering events but also about the smallest worries we have, and you want to carry them for us. Thank You for the reminders that you know ME and that I matter to you. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
I hope you are reminded that He knows who you are and He cares what is going on in your life. I hope that you find time to hear a little something from Him today and perhaps get your own personal reminder that He Knows YOUR name.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Carnival Birthday Success!

The popcorn cupcakes were a big hit! They were just chocolate cake with white icing. Then you cut about 30 mini marshmellows in half and squeeze them back together and POOF you have popcorn!
As far as activities go we had a clown who did balloon animals for the kids and a HUGE bounce house. Not what I was expecting but it was great! We even kicked the kids out for a minute and tried it out... I couldn't stay on my feet. HA!

We had a blast with facepaint...

Thank you Morgan for doing that! Even Papa was a good sport!
We also had a very fun "photo booth" this was probably my favorite! We set up an old painted frame, which I love so much. :) And I had made about 18 props for the booth. The kids and adults alike had a blast with this one! Of course the photos were better once the sun dropped behind the building! I am no photographer... we just picked the place the fame would even work. HA!
ANDDDDDDD, you can't have a carnival party without a good ol' fashion pie eatting contest! I just bought some gramcracker mini pie pans and loaded them with jello!

All in All I call Leila and Landyn's Circus Birthday a huge success. Happy Birthday to my sweet girls. I can't believe how fast the time is passing. SLOW DOWN GIRLS!!

(Landyn turns 5 in a few weeks and Leila turned 6 a few weeks ago.)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
"Out of a Dream, Into Reality"

They became my world, my focus, my new Plan A. And I wouldn't trade them for the entire world. They rock my life, it is so much more exciting and scary... Especially with 3 girls not 29months from the oldest to the youngest, pray for us for the next 20 years. I think Adrian might kill a boy or two before the girls are adults. I may hurt a couple myself. HAHA!
OK! Now that we are way off point...
I really though, welp. Maybe the girls will be it for me, not that I had a problem with that. Maybe they are going to be the only ministry the Lord has for me.
Have God in a Box much??
That was SLAPPED out of me earlier this year when we went to Antioch Worship Retreat. Literally felt like God slapped my face. Nice! A new dream, a refreshing desire was poured into us as a couple, and He has begun to reveal why we are where we are. Both physically and spiritually.
Do you ever feel like God has forgotten about you and the dreams He placed in your heart?? Even as a young HS student... How DUMB is that? Like I said before I am so humbled by Jesus. I had to apologize and ask for forgiveness for doubting or giving up on the desire HE placed in my heart 9 years ago. I have learned that even if our new dream's path takes us 40 years through the desert, we won't be giving up.
Jesus has made Himself that much more real in my life this week. I was reminded, YET AGAIN, that it is in HIS perfect timing, not my own.
The meeting I started this blog with was with one of the founders and one of the directors of the Shiloh Home here in Emporia. The Shiloh Home houses mothers in need of some help, to have away to get out of life situations that are leading to sure destruction. One of the divisions of their program there is FAMILY LIFE SERVICES.
Remember the dream I had when I was young? Family Life Services is a PREGNANCY CRISIS CENTER...
So all that build up... that could have been summed up in this 1 sentence, but since I am a woman, you needed all the details and background:):)
Jesus rocks my socks off because I am now the Director of Family Life Services.
I hope this post, encourages you to trust in the dreams God has placed in you. If you are living them now or still waiting to live them. If you are still in HS or a Mama holding her sick baby. You are where you are right now for a reason... maybe you won't understand for 9 years. Don't give up on God because He hasn't forgotten or given up on you.
humbled and so thankful