They became my world, my focus, my new Plan A. And I wouldn't trade them for the entire world. They rock my life, it is so much more exciting and scary... Especially with 3 girls not 29months from the oldest to the youngest, pray for us for the next 20 years. I think Adrian might kill a boy or two before the girls are adults. I may hurt a couple myself. HAHA!
OK! Now that we are way off point...
I really though, welp. Maybe the girls will be it for me, not that I had a problem with that. Maybe they are going to be the only ministry the Lord has for me.
Have God in a Box much??
That was SLAPPED out of me earlier this year when we went to Antioch Worship Retreat. Literally felt like God slapped my face. Nice! A new dream, a refreshing desire was poured into us as a couple, and He has begun to reveal why we are where we are. Both physically and spiritually.
Do you ever feel like God has forgotten about you and the dreams He placed in your heart?? Even as a young HS student... How DUMB is that? Like I said before I am so humbled by Jesus. I had to apologize and ask for forgiveness for doubting or giving up on the desire HE placed in my heart 9 years ago. I have learned that even if our new dream's path takes us 40 years through the desert, we won't be giving up.
Jesus has made Himself that much more real in my life this week. I was reminded, YET AGAIN, that it is in HIS perfect timing, not my own.
The meeting I started this blog with was with one of the founders and one of the directors of the Shiloh Home here in Emporia. The Shiloh Home houses mothers in need of some help, to have away to get out of life situations that are leading to sure destruction. One of the divisions of their program there is FAMILY LIFE SERVICES.
Remember the dream I had when I was young? Family Life Services is a PREGNANCY CRISIS CENTER...
So all that build up... that could have been summed up in this 1 sentence, but since I am a woman, you needed all the details and background:):)
Jesus rocks my socks off because I am now the Director of Family Life Services.
I hope this post, encourages you to trust in the dreams God has placed in you. If you are living them now or still waiting to live them. If you are still in HS or a Mama holding her sick baby. You are where you are right now for a reason... maybe you won't understand for 9 years. Don't give up on God because He hasn't forgotten or given up on you.
humbled and so thankful
Oh my goodness, what perfect timing! I'm so proud of you, girl, and so excited to see what God has in store for you. This is amazing, and your words are so encouraging!