Friday, August 15, 2014

Ramirez Clan Goes to School

Ramirez Clan First Day of School Traditions

I have been asked by a few people to share the letter we read to our girls every year on the first day of school. I had a friend share this idea with me and I just had to implement it into our routine. I am sure we each can think of someone from our past that we wish we would have handled differently. I desire to see my girls learn this lesson earlier in life than I did.

Warning! I CANNOT read this letter without crying, does it have to do with the girls getting older or starting school? NO! Surprisingly, this year I was perfectly calm and ready to take on the day... UNTIL I read this to them. Don't even know why I put makeup on before reading it. You would think over the last couple years I would have learned my lesson but apparently I forget. Every. Year.

(I did change the name of the little girl from my school because she has a very distinct spelling.)

SOOOOO... without further blabbing. Enjoy this little piece of Ramirez Clan Tradition.

Hey, Sweetheart
Today is a big day! I can’t believe it is already time for you to start 4th grade!
Lei – When I was in elementary school, there was a little girl in my class named Jane.
Jane looked a little different and she wore funny clothes and sometimes she even smelled a little bit. Jane didn’t smile. She hung her head low and she never looked at anyone at all. Jane never did her homework. I don’t think her parents reminded her like yours do. The other kids teased Jane a lot. Whenever they did, her head hung lower and lower and lower. I never teased her, but I never told the other kids to stop, either.
And I never talked to Jane, not once. I never invited her to sit next to me at lunch, or to play with me at recess. Instead, she sat and played by herself. She must have been very lonely.
I still think about Jane often. I wonder if she remembers me. Probably not. I bet if I’d asked her to play, just once, she’d still remember me.
I think that God puts people in our lives as gifts to us. The children in your class this year, they are some of God’s gifts to you.
So please treat each one like a gift from God. Every single one.
Baby, if you see a child being left out, or hurt, or teased, a part of your heart will hurt a little. Your daddy and I want you to trust that heart- ache. Your whole life, we want you to notice and trust your heart-ache. That heart ache is called compassion, and it is God’s signal to you to do something. It is God saying, LEILA! Wake up! One of my babies is hurting! Do something to help! Whenever you feel compassion – be thrilled! It means God is speaking to you, and that is magic. It means He trusts you and needs you.
Sometimes the magic of compassion will make you step into the middle of a bad situation right away.
Compassion might lead you to tell a teaser to stop it and then ask the teased kid to play. You might invite a left-out kid to sit next to you at lunch. You might choose a kid for your team first who usually gets chosen last. These things will be hard to do, but you can do hard things.
Sometimes you will feel compassion but you won’t step in right away. That’s okay, too. You might choose instead to tell your teacher and then tell us. We are on your team – we are on your whole class’s team. Asking for help for someone who is hurting is not tattling, it is doing the right thing. If someone in your class needs help, please tell me, baby. We will make a plan to help together.
When God speaks to you by making your heart hurt for another, by giving you compassion, just do something. Please do not ignore God whispering to you. I so wish I had not ignored God when He spoke to me about Jane. I remember Him trying, I remember feeling compassion, but I chose fear over compassion. I wish I hadn’t. Jane could have used a friend and I could have, too.

Leila – We do not care if you are the smartest or fastest or coolest or funniest. There will be lots of contests at school, and we don’t care if you win a single one of them. We don’t care if you get straight As. We don’t care if the girls think you’re cute or whether you’re picked first or last for kickball at recess. We don’t care if you are your teacher’s favorite or not. We don’t care if you have the best clothes or most American Girl Dolls or coolest electronics. We just don’t care.
We don’t send you to school to become the best at anything at all. We already love you as much as we possibly could. You do not have to earn our love or pride and you can’t lose it. That’s done.
We send you to school to practice being brave and kind.
Kind people are brave people. Brave is not a feeling that you should wait for. It is a decision. It is a decision that compassion is more important than fear, than fitting in, than following the crowd.
Trust me, baby, it is. It is more important.
Don’t try to be the best this year, honey.
Just be grateful and kind and brave. That’s all you ever need to be.
Take care of those classmates of yours, and your teacher, too. You Belong to Each Other. You are one blessed girl . . . with all of these new gifts to unwrap this year.
I love you so much that my heart might explode.
Enjoy and cherish your gifts.
And thank you for being my favorite gift of all time.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

With Love From Kansas...

Well, I am not going to India in 1 month from today... sad face. I am going in JUNE now! I am super excited about the adjustment because I am getting to see the hearts of my girls through this unforeseen change.

When we originally talked to the girls about me going, we tried to explain why I was going. We did the whole mommy gets to help bring Jesus to kids, who haven't always had a safe place to live, haven't laid their heads on a pillow, haven't had a new pair of shoes. Kids who MAY get one meal a day. We talked to them about how Jesus asked all of us to go...

Then we talked about water.

I thank God everyday for the blessings that we have. We live in a country where we complain because we have the iPhone 4 instead of the 5. I live in a house where I can't close Liviana's closet because of all the shoes she owns, (LOADS of hand-me-downs, but still), I can't give my kids everything they want but they have an OVERLOAD of everything I deemed a need. Perhaps, it is just me, perhaps not, but maybe my idea of needs vs. wants is a tad skewed. I asked Leila to go get me an ice water and when she came back I asked the other girls how long they think she took. Of course, Landyn had some funny, perhaps a little sarcastic response but obviously it took seconds. We talked about the fact that almost 100 million people in India don't have access to clean, safe, drinkable water. We also talked about the sad results that come from dirty water.

"Can we send them water?"
My sweet, little Liviana asked if we could send them water, of course her sister's giggled at the idea of packing water in a box and shipping it over. I originally told them no :( We didn't have time before I left to make that work. BUT THEN MY TRIP WAS ALTERED and how could I not say YES?!!

We are building a well! We have named our campaign "With Love From Kansas." My prayer is that God would take the BIGGER than life idea from a 8, 7, and 5 year old and show them how mighty He has created them to be.

How can you help?
1. You can help by giving to our project, you can find it here. All donations are tax deductible. 
2. You can help by getting the word out! Tell your friends and family, your co-workers- collect change after lunch, put a donations box in the breakroom- see if they would want to join the girls' efforts.
3. You can join the girls in one of their fundraisers, PLEASE ask me about them.
4. You can start your own well project.
5. You can PRAY! I take water for granite EVERYDAY. You don't realize how much water you use until you don't have it anymore. You can pray that we reach our goal and are able to provide fresh water for a community for up to 30 years!
6. Most importantly, PRAY! Pray for the men, women and children who don't have clean water to drink TODAY, pray for the mamas who take hours upon hours to collect water TODAY, taking time away from working or being with their families. Pray for the children who can't attend school THIS DAY because they are finding water. Pray for all the people who are fighting diseases, due to this massive problem.

We have the goal of $3000 to hit by December 31st. Is that bigger than 3 kids who get up to $3 a week for doing well on their spelling tests. Thank goodness we serve a HUGE God who knows their hearts. And THANK you for loving others with us. Providing clean water for up to 30 years is an amazing thing.

With Love From, 
The Ramirez Clan

Monday, April 15, 2013

Are You Up For A Challenge? I AM!

I don't know about you but sometimes my heart screams,


I know I have been called to be making a difference in the world around me and sometimes I feel stuck not knowing which steps I am suppose to take next... Where I am at now sometimes I feel like I haven't taken any steps at all. So my real question is, 

Where am I suppose to BEGIN? 

This weekend the Lord has challenged me and made it exceedingly clear what my first step for this week needs to be. I don't think it is something I am suppose to keep to myself but to share and encourage other wives, moms... all the single ladies ("Put Your Hands Up!") ALL of us to take part in this week. 

MAYBE, it is just me but if I was transparent, which I normally am, I could tell you I had a defining moment in my life when I felt the Lord's call on my life. An exciting life I knew I was in for but a bump here and a wrong turn there put me in a place I never thought I would find myself. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my life, and God doesn't have a Plan B but by Grace and Mercy more Plan A's. But I am NOT content living this inward life. Sitting right here at the ripe ol' age of 28, living a life full of busYness and finding myself longing to see the Lord use me in the injustice I see all around me but wondering what I can do about it. Laying awake in bed at night, my heart yearning to make an impact but the next morning falling into the same routine... I am tired of saying, 

"OK, God! I am here! If you would just write it in the sky I will do whatever you want me to do."

I have come to the conclusion this week that has me sitting on my hands doing NOTHING because He hasn't given me a phone call with a game plan. 

Did you know helping the poor and needy is touched on 358 times in the Bible? 358 times God has asked me AND you to simply help those around us. This reality struck me this weekend,


It has been there the whole time! Here we, errr, I sit begging God to show me how to get started and I have come to a conclusion that He has showed me. OR tried to show me... 358 times.

So, this brings me to my challenge.

Before the weekend has come I am going to take one prepared meal, along with enough groceries and recipes for 2 additional meals to a family in my community who I know would consider it a blessing in their home.

Is that huge? Is it going to impact 32,000 people? Am I performing some sort of miracle? NO! But I know it will be huge to that family, I know it will impact not just their lives but my family as well. AND it will be a MIRACLE to that single mama.

I want you to come on this journey with me. I want to share stories of how God uses both you and me to impact our small circle of friends, the town we live in, or however far God takes you. I think if we all joined hands and forces we will see Miracles happen. That is my desire. I desire for God to use me. We have been called to action but get so caught up in the mundane and schedules we have ourselves tied into, the years just pass us by and I am tired of wondering. 

Please if you feel lead to step out with me, look around your community is there a family that would be blessed by a nice hot meal and some groceries? In taking this first step I know God will show me His next and I am believe that for my family and yours. Please let me know if you are going to join me this week and take on this challenge. I CAN'T wait to hear the stories of how God uses all of us to bless others and what an impact it has on your life as well.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why Body by Vi instead of Advocare??!

As much as I have loved answering this question individually I thought perHAPS I would just throw it out there to everyone! A lot of people were aware that a couple of years ago Adrian and I became distributers of Advocare. My brother had just started selling it and we went to a party of his and left with our product ordered! I continuously get asked, "Didn't you use to sell Advocare?? Why did you switch??" Here is the long and short of my answer...

We were hardcore Advocare! 1. It worked for us and 2. My brother was selling it and we wanted to support him.

We did our first 24day Challenge and I don't remember exact numbers for Adrian but I had lost 17lbs. Obviously, that is exciting for anyone!

My problem started on Day 25... 

Even with my distributer discount, which was 30%, even if we had gotten to 40% we literally could NOT afford to continue! So for 2 years we kinda sat on our hands, not wanting to do anything else, we wanted our ADVOCARE and we wanted it NOW! :)) So instead we quickly gained our weight back, because, well... it is fun to eat! If we are honest...

About a year ago we started hearing about this
Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge
I was very quick to state that we weren't interested!

Obviously that has changed. Here are a few reasons why... I was seeing MEGA results! MAJOR RESULTS! My little town was saturated with Body by Vi, by a little someone I may or may not call my Bestie. This was all before I knew her, but everywhere I went and saw people looking great, I would ask and was continuously told Body by Vi.

So, I started to do my research! I was told to Google Body By Vi vs. Advocare. If you are like me you may be all about results but these are fun facts too!

Something else that got me pretty hyped up was ALL the amazing stories I was hearing about health issues being helped by BBV. Lupus, diabetes, autism, etc. Not that this product can heal or anything like that but just the amazing nutrition that was drastically changing people's circumstances! 

There are a few other reasons, the FREE BMW, amazing trips or perhaps my AMAZING results! In my first 90 Day Challenge, I lost 
42lbs, tons of inches and 3 pant sizes.

But the NUMBER 1 REASON we are HARDCORE, solid ROCK believers in 
EVERYONE, customer or promoter, can get their kit for FREE! 
You can't see me typing but I typed FREE, slowly and pressed each key with a vengeance. HAHA!

Like I told you, Adrian and I couldn't afford Advocare. FREE spoke to my little heart something fierce! :)) AND it is incredibly easy to obtain. Free product is making an amazing difference in both our personal lives and as a business. I get a crazy rush each time I see a new customer getting their product for free. We, personally, are getting $500 worth of product for free each and every month. And if you know anything about BBV, that is A LOT of product! There is an excitement when I get to share that with others. FREE, FREE, FREE! Can you say that enough? I can't,
On the business side... I get paid 5 times a month! It is my favorite to go to my mailbox AT LEAST once a week expecting a check! The comp plan between the 2 companies is INCOMPARABLE and UNMATCHED. We are a trendy company who is keeping up with Social Media and offer amazing software for their promoters. The creators of "The Biggest Loser" have joined forces with our company. It is the FASTEST growing business in the industry! I LOVE ALL THINGS BODY BY VI! And my favorite part? ------>

That is why we would Choose Body By Vi ANYDAY over Advocare. Nothing against Advocare but ALL of this for Body by Vi. Was it even really a choice??! <---- If I can do this, you can too!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


First of all I am doing this from my iPad so there isn't going to be any fancy stuff going on, because well, I don't know how on here and I don't have time :). I am also a bit embarrassed for some of the things I am about to tell about myself but find comfort in knowing it is all about to change! Today, I was going about my usual morning routine which includes me immediately grabbing my phone and finding out what happened with my Facebook friends while I slept and then it continues with me throughout the am. My phone goes where I go! If I am doing laundry it is on the washer, if I am on the trampoline it is sitting on the rim, if I notice it isn't near me, I freakout! In fact, while I was in the bubble bath last night after my run, I was on my phone, Facebook, pinterest, playing a game... I was so tired and wanted to go to bed but I really wanted to keep playing. I even get to the point where I refresh my Facebook repeatedly waiting for someone, anyone to update their status... A new pin to show up. Anything! 

TV and computer are just as bad! I was just doing what I usually do today and my friend Mandy had posted this blog and of course I had to read it.

Here is the link to the blog, you should definitely read it... After mine of course ;) while I read it I started to cry. It. Is. Me! It was calling me out! I am MISSING EVERYTHING! We live in such an amazing time of technology and I am so thankful for all the conveniences that our generation has, however, the cost to our families is great. While I was reading certain instances came to mind, for example:
*I know I have said this many times, "Excuse me. Don't you see this (pointing at my phone on my ear). Mommy is on an important call. Please wait til Mommy is done."- Making my babies feel like the person on the other end is more important than they are.

*Answering my phone when my child is mid-sentence.

*I hate this one, but happens more than I like, "MOMMY! Watch... watch... are you watching?" Because it has happened too many times that I have missed moments or things that are important to them.

*Instead of focusing when I have delicate time with the girls I am checking my website or Paypal or whatever else.

*Instead of playing dress-up or having a picnic I am too busy watching TV, a TV I can pause or record.
She list a lot more in her blog and I know most if NOT ALL have occurred in our home.

Now you must be thinking, what a horrid mother! Of course I am picking out moments of our lives. My girls are fully aware that I love them and we do have lots of special moments but when I was reading this blog today I realized how much better I could be doing!

On Sunday morning Pastor Tony was preaching on Nehemiah. While he was working on finishing building the wall there were times he was asked to come down for different reasons and his response was, "I am doing a great work and can't come down." This I have decided to implement into my life. My work right now is my family, my babies. Yes, I do have other works but repeatedly they come before my girls and that is where I draw the line. Boundaries are about to be set because, 


As you all are fully aware I have an online business, which makes what I am about to do even more interesting! But I refuse to use that as an excuse for my commitment to my family and I honestly, wholeheartedly believe that God will honor my commitment and make it work!

Now for the fun stuff! Here are the life changing commitments that are about to take place in our house and in my heart.

*Adrian decided he was going to join the party and we are cancelling our cable, we waste so much time watching mindless movements when we could be creating memories with our girls. Not to mention, they don't need to be watching TV ;)

*The end of this month my phone will no longer have data or texting! This is HUGE for me but as much as I think I NEED these things... I DON'T.

*I will be implementing "HOURS," that I am available on my phone. I will not be available every time I get a call.

*Same is going to happen for Facebook and emails.

We talked about getting rid of my phone completely but with the girls not always being with me or us being without Adrian, in the car and such Adrian decided against that. Plus my number is the number that the girl's know... So I have decided that it will just be silent and put away when I have my family with me.

I am so excited about this! I am scared too... they changes are going to be so drastic for us but, I am doing a great work and can't come down! It is going to be worth every missed call and I am absolutely not going to die if I don't see your status update right when you post it. Am I giving up phone and computer completely? NOPE! But while my girls are home and awake I will be focused on the most important people in my life. I am going to have to start using a real camera cause I won't be able to upload a quick shot. Things are going to be so different! 

I hope this challenges other moms. Maybe not to take such drastic steps but to be aware of what we are doing and where our focus is. I don't want to miss another moment. And I thank GOD for opening my eyes to how things have been. I have been feeling this way for awhile but today when Mandy posted this post, I was brought to a breaking point and it is over. The girls will know that they are more important than my phone, computer or a stupid TV show.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Rainy Rose Tea Room

Ladies! It is up and ready to roll! The calendar is already filling up so please don't wait to call or email me to reserve your date! 620.481.7851 or

Since the weekends are the most popular time to host a party we do recommend that you consider contacting us about a month in advance, however that is not saying that we would not be able to figure out a closer date if needed! I will also be allowing weeknight parties, on selected nights and weekdays in the summer.

Each party will be styled based on the age of the birthday girl!

There will be an initial deposit required at the time of booking. Once the date has been selected, the party can only be postponed. As a mother, I understand things don't always go as planned. I will work with you to find a new date that will work for everyone's schedule! The remaining of the balance will be due on the day of the party!

Mini Lady Tea: (recommended for 3-4yrs)
Min # of guest: 6 Max # of guest: 12
Price: $110 (+$12 for each additional guest past 6)
Party Includes: Decorated Tea Time Table, 1.5 hours of entertainment, Served Tea (or Lemonade) and snack, Dressup Time, Fashion Show, Group Photo for the Birthday Girl, Storytime and MUSIC!

First Class Tea: (recommened for 5-8yrs)
Min # of guest: 8 Max # of guest: 18
Price $130 (+$12 for each additional guest past 8)
Party Includes: All from Mini Tea, in addition: 2 hours of entertainment, Beauty Session, and a Craft

Sophisticated Tea: (recommened for 5-8yrs)
Min # of guest: 8 Max # of guest: 18
Price $150 ( +$12 for each additional guest past 8)
Party Includes: All from First Class Tea, in addition: Party Invitations and Group Photo for all guests

Spa Party!: (recommened for 6-12yrs)
Min # of guest: 8 Max # of guest: 18
Price $150 ( +$12 for each additional guest past 8)
Party Includes: Decorated Themed Table, 2 hours of entertainment, Party Invitations, Drinks and Snack, Face Mask (including cucumbers:), Nail Polish, Choice of Craft, Group Photo for each guest, and MUSIC!

Easy Breezy Tea: (recommended for all ages)
Min # of guest: 5 Max: 15
Price: $15 per guest
Party Includes: 1 hour of entertainment, decorated table, served Tea (or Lemonade) and snack, Dress Up Time and MUSIC!

Holiday Party!: ( recommened for all ages)
Only available certain times of the year
Min # of guest: 6 Max # of guest: 18
Price: $100 ( +$10 for each additional guest past 6)
Party Includes: 1 hour of entertainment, decorated table, served drink, food craft, holiday realated activity and MUSIC!

Space Rental: We are opening our space for baby/bridal showers, girls night out, meetings, holiday parties or any other activites that you may come up with! Starting at $45

I so look forward to making your little lady's birthday one she will never forget! Thanks for taking a look and I can't wait to hear from you!

I am also making big plans to offer over the summer! Keep checking back for updates!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas Craft Countdown!

I think that I am going to do a blog, actually 15 to be exact on Christmas Projects that I do until Christmas!! This First one rocks my socks off, and I didn't make it. HA! My mom came down for the day to help me decorate the store. I will show pictures of that on another blog... However, I had to have a KIM MOORE exclusive Wreath for my door at the store! When I was a little girl, I remember watching my mom make wreaths for friends and others during the holiday season. This was my big year, I will now have the coolest wreath on my storefront! OH YA! If you haven't seen pictures or been to my store, I have white and black striped walls and HOT pink floors so for Christmas I knew I wanted FUN COLOR, FEATHERS and GLITTER and I got just that!

First things first... little helpers...

The woman took a $2 wreath from Walmart to start... I had a photo but I can't find my cord for the computer... Just picture a $2, thin, crappy 20inch wreath.

Then we had this decorative wired netting...

Then I had found tons of odd little things that I thought maybe, just maybe, the master would approve and she DID!

MY mom! Basically, the coolest mom anyone could have worked for, ummm, under 15minutes...

AND POOF! I am the VERY PROUD owner of a Kim Moore original! You know how cool she is?? She has even donated one for me to auction off at our spa night! DON'T miss out!

This is going to ROCK on my Hot Pink Door at the shop!