Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our New Family Blog!

If you had been keeping up with my other blog you should have gotten email that I was getting rid of that one and making a FAMILY one! My business is going well and I have decided that anything that I would want on a business blog could just be put on the website, right?? If I am going to take the time to be doing this I want to do it about the people who mean the world to me and let you keep up with my family. They are growing too fast and the say and do the funniest, sweetest, greatest, most fun, amazing, thoughtful, smartest things ever. I write down quotes that the girls say that just crack me up to pieces and the things that make me realize how big they are getting, etc. But I decided to start keeping track on here and there so I can share! Just for a quicky... today we are watching a movie and a guy on here has HUGE ears... Leila said, "Hey Mommy, why are your ears big like his?" No laughing, no joking, she was completely serious... SO, NOW I am worried about my ears :) Who thought a 3 year old could make me feel self conscience...

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I love your little girls so much! I remember babysitting Leila when she was just born. :( SAD....

    As for your ears.. ;) I don't think they are BIG!
